What Can I Do For Someone I Care For Who Has A Cancer Diagnosis

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This post outlines a few steps that you can do to help your colleague, loved one or friend with cancerLinks to an external site..

LISTEN to your friend

The easy option is to avoid the friend or avoid the subject od cancer, but please don’t fall into this.  We know its not easy to know what to say.  The most important advice we can give is is not to avoid your friend when they may need you most and to pay attention to clues when you speak with them.  

Give your friend with cancer your time, by offering to help in specific ways

Saying, “I am here if you need me” or “let me know if you need any help” isnot a real offer of helpand if you use these words it is most likely that yout friend wont ask you for anything, even if you mean it.  It is better to make specific offers of help for

Examples can be

  • drive them to their hospital or any other appointments
  • do their laundry or wash up their dirty dishes
  • bring or cook them appropriate food (but check what they can and cant eat first)

Give an appropriate gift

Cancer giftsLinks to an external site. really do show you care and can help break the ice regarding conversions and what you can do to help.  But there is definitely no ‘one size fits all’ and there is no specific right gift to give.   A really useful present for a person with cancer  needs to be well thought out and appropriate for both the person and their specific treatment.

Don’t forget your friends family who are anxious and suffering too.

Maybe giving the family a treat would be  appropriate? Perhaps you could offer to pick up their children or take them out? And do let the family and friends talk express how they are feeling



What Can I Do For My Friend With Cancer? Five Steps To HelpLinks to an external site.

A Five point guide for talking to someone with cancerLinks to an external site.

Five Great Cancer Gift Ideas That Links to an external site.Won’t Cost You A FortuneLinks to an external site.

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