Template Information
This template is designed to be used a course site for content delivery and communication (not to facilitate interactive activities or accept assignments submissions online). The main purpose of this template is to leverage Canvas as a site to provide students (and parents) classroom handouts and resources, deliver announcements, and share grade updates.
This template can serve as a basis for the following course types, but is not limited to:
- K-6 courses where multiple disciplines are being taught by the teacher(s)
- Courses which require easy, friendly navigation (due to younger audience)
- Courses which require little tech-savvy.
- Courses which will be used only for content delivery and communication
This template sets the HOME PAGE layout to "Pages Front Page". Course navigation (on the left) is minimal - navigation is created in-page.
This template highlights the following Canvas features:
- Syllabus
- Assignments
- Content Pages
- Announcements
COURSE SET-UP (Action Required)
All course settings should have imported successfully. As you prepare to use this course template, keep in mind the following settings:
- Course Settings > Navigation > It is recommended to SHOW the following navigation buttons in this order: HOME, SYLLABUS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, GRADES. Click to learn about hiding/showing and ordering navigation buttons.
- Pages: There are various page templates. Feel free to add/modify according to course content.
- Syllabus: This is used to showcase Homework due dates and events. Click to learn how to add assignments and edit/add event dates.
- Assignments: All assignments are set to "On Paper" submissions which means students are not require to submit anything via Canvas -- only in-person in class. However, assignments were created as place-holders so teachers can add/update homework points via the gradebook.
This course is not intended to exemplify any specific eLearning theory or best practice. It was designed purely to inspire instructors and course designers with a starting point for design ideas.
Although there are place-holders throughout the template, this content will have to be developed and modified before using the course. Users must edit/modify this template with relevant content before it is ready to be deployed.
IMAGES: Images are from Microsoft Clipart. They were edited in a basic image editor. Buttons were created using Da Button Factory website:
- Click to create more buttons like "Students" or "Parents"
- Click to create buttons like "Contact Mrs. Smith"
Click to download the plain 'chalkboard' clipart
(without words) from Microsoft
- The banner size is a .jpeg image 570 x 125. You can create banners it in any software. It can be as basic as typing text in a word doc then taking a screen shot of the image or as advance as creating it in Photoshop and saving the image as a png or jpeg).
FONTS: The font in the banner "Mrs. Smith's 3rd Grade Class" is called chalkdust. If you don't already have it, click to download the .ttf of chalkdust. The font on the chalkboards (i.e., Math, Science, etc.) is called chalkboard. For more free fonts, go to FontPalace.com.
This course is part of Canvas Community Resources.